社会工作 & 心理学学位

你是一个富有同情心和上进心的人吗? Do you have a calling to serve others who are vulnerable, oppressed, or marginalized? Earning a Bachelor of Science in social work and psychology from Hardin-Simmons University will prepare you to address the greater societal conditions at the core of injustice and inequity.

Our interdisciplinary approach to social work combines the fundamentals of psychology with the policies and laws involved in social work to provide you with a head start to become a licensed clinical social worker. Offering one of the only social work and psychology programs in the country, HSU prepares graduates who are highly sought after both in Texas and throughout the nation. In fact, we boast a 100 percent employment and graduate program acceptance rate. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree in social work and psychology from HSU is the easiest and most direct path to becoming a clinical social worker and helping others live safer and healthier lives.


结合心理学和社会工作课程, you’ll graduate with hundreds of hours of real-world experience applying your knowledge and skills to serving people in your community, 在德州, 在全国范围内. 学生完成超过450小时的实地教育, practicing as pre-professionals under the supervision of social work professionals in the community.

For example, you’ll complete 30 hours of volunteer work as an introduction to social work. We also offer community group projects that let you assess community needs and work as a member of a team to then address those needs and develop a plan of action — giving you hands-on experience as both a team member and a leader. 如果你对社会工作的政策方面更感兴趣, you can research social issues and become an expert in your chosen topic before conducting policy analysis to aid advocacy work.




Department Chair/Director of Field Education/Assistant Professor of 社会工作






Thanks to our unique interdisciplinary approach to psychology and social work, you’ll be well prepared to advance to a master’s in social work program. 有了这个学位, you can become licensed at the baccalaureate level in Texas (licensing is different in every state). Fully 100 percent of our social work and psychology students are accepted into graduate programs or find rewarding careers after graduation, 并且100%通过执照考试.


多亏了我们的小班教学, you’ll get many chances to work closely with distinguished faculty mentors on research projects and in collaborative research groups. Our faculty members provide a student-centered learning environment that fosters creativity and empathy, 以及学生之间的合作.


Social work is about so much more than understanding policies and laws. 它也与理解人类的思想有关. 开设家庭心理学等主题的课程, 人类性行为, 变态心理学, you’ll master the fundamentals of human psychology — making you a more knowledgeable clinical social worker.


Clinical social workers help individuals and communities solve problems. They are committed to making a positive impact on the world around them. They promote social justice and equity for all through passionate advocacy. 临床社会工作者在许多令人兴奋的领域都有工作, 包括心理健康, 医疗设施, 学校, 政府机构, 还有军队——以及其他许多方面.

Most of our social work and psychology graduates pursue master’s degrees in social work to increase their job outlook and salary potential. Because of our highly interdisciplinary approach to the study of psychology and social work, 我们的毕业生从其他申请者中脱颖而出.

当你从我们的社会工作和心理学专业毕业时, you’ll not only benefit from following your passion for helping others, 但也有特殊的工作保障. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), employment for licensed clinical social workers is expected to grow 12 percent over the next decade, nearly double the national average for all other occupational fields.


  • 保健社工
  • 精神卫生社工
  • 药物滥用社会工作者
  • 医疗卫生服务经理
  • 社会和人类服务专家
  • 社会工作管理员
  • 学校社工


Social worker salaries can range from $50,000-70,000 depending on the type of job. 薪水因工作年限而异, 行业服务, 你工作的城市和州, 如果你是经理,一般会增加. 大多数初级职位以上的工作, 包括临床社工/临床医生, 需要社会工作硕士学位吗.


To prepare you to become a licensed clinical social worker who serves a diverse range of individuals and communities, our social work and psychology program includes many special topics courses and travel opportunities. 在过去, 学生们去了窗口石, 亚利桑那州, to study and work with the Navajo and Hopi indigenous tribes and to Camden, 新泽西, 与城市承诺事工合作.

We’ve also offered a Civil Rights Tour of five Southern states to study the diverse history of our country and its impact on society today. Our interdisciplinary approach to social work and its legacy will help you develop into a well-rounded and empathetic clinical social worker.

In addition to offering one of the most affordable programs dedicated to an interdisciplinary approach to studying psychology and social work, 我们为学生提供几种奖学金和助学金. 你也可能有资格获得一般经济援助. 了解更多关于中文博彩平台奖学金的信息.

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